Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Obedient when Commandments fit our Liking?

Hello my family!!!

Happy to report no more incredibly freaky moments this week!! Thank heavens. Ha, I still can't even believe that happened. Reminds me of Moses 2. Go read it....yeah, pretty much feel like I experienced that.  Honest to goodness, we were freaked out for about 3-4 days. One of the ZLs with us wouldn't sleep without the light on for 3 nights and another elder goes, if that ever happens again, don't you dare call me. Ha, needless to say, a little shaken. Seriously talk about a test of faith. You know you read about all the things people have done with faith like moving mountains and stuff. Now I understand that just a little bit more. So updates for the week! It's actually like a mesh of the last 2 weeks, but I just have some good stories for you. So first of all, we have this new family we're working with. Remember the guy who stopped me in the street and asked me how many God's there were? Well, we visited them, but  last transfer with the 3-some, of course it got shoved to the back of the list. Then one day, I just thought, you know, I think we should go back tonight. So we did. Good thing too. So their names are James and Angelica and they are hilarious. Straight up jokesters, which you know I love. They were taught by the missionaries about 12 years ago, but didn't remember anything. Anywho, these past couple of weeks they've just really started to progress. Last Saturday we were teaching Angelica, just a review about Joseph Smith and the Book of Mormon, and Sister Suarez gets done teaching and the spirit was way strong. So of course, as any properly trained missionary would do, you point it out to them. So I explained to her that the Holy Ghost bears witness of truth through our feelings. Then I was going to say, can you feel it now, but I felt a "wait". So I did. And I just sat there. Then after about 10 seconds she says, "he's here right now, isn't he. That's why none of us want to speak". We just nodded our heads. So awesome. Love when those moments happen. Then just last Saturday, we go back and Bro James goes, I have a question.  I need to be baptized don't I. Ha, and the best part is, his wife goes, well what do you feel when you think about it. And he goes, light, happy. And she goes, that's the Holy Ghost. It means yes. Haha, I didn't even have to do the teaching. Anywho, they're just awesome and they would be solid members. I'm super excited about them. It always just amazes me when you find the prepared ones because it's just so easy. It's hard to explain. It's like I don't have to try so hard to get the spirit there. He just comes and does it job. The difference between an open and a closed heart. I'll keep you updated on them. 

So get this! Last  Saturday we had a temple tour and we were the hosts. So we were at the last station and guess who comes walking in but an investigator family from my last area. What?! I was absolutely shocked! We honestly had dropped them because there just was nothing. But they just got baptized last Saturday! How awesome is that! I think it was a tender mercy from Heavenly Father telling me no effort is unwasted. Sometimes I wonder if I'm doing something wrong. I tend to get these investigators that take forever to get baptized. Even though I stay in areas forever, it's like this curse I have. So it just made me so happy to see how well they were doing and how excited they were too to see me. That makes 5 of my former investigators that have been baptized. Love it. 

So do you feel like this letter is forever long yet? It pretty much is. One last thing. We had district conference last week and something one of the speakers said just struck me as pretty profound. He said, when Nephi and his brothers went back the 2nd time to Jerusalem to get Ishmael and his family, Laman and Lemual didn't murmur. Why? Ha, good question, right. still the same distance, still have to try to convince someone to do something. Then he said, it's because the commandment fitted their liking. Of course they liked the idea of going back and getting a wife. Duh. Then he said, are we obedient only when the commandment fits our liking? But when it doesn't, we murmur? Another good question, right. So he said, if we don't understand a commandment, we need to humble ourselves and do what Nephi did... ask God for understanding. And then the spirit will be the one to teach you and you'll understand at a deeper level than you ever could logically. Interesting point right. He had some other good ones, but that was my favorite. Just a little spirit food for you all after last week's letter of horror. Haha. Anywho, that's all for me right now. Anywho, love you all so so muches and I'll talk to you next week.

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